Classifieds in Agoo, Ilocos Region
- 66 Cars
- 42 Car parts
- 78 Motorcycles and Parts
- 10 Kids’ products & Toys
- 33 Clothes
- 27 Garden & House
- 14 Furniture
- 84 Refrigerators, ovens etc.
- 89 Computers and Parts
- 18 TV games & PC games
- 22 Movies & Music
- 16 Photo & Cameras
- 69 Audio and Video
- 24 Phones
Leisure Time & Hobbies
- 19 Books
- 59 Pets and Animals
- 126 Hobbies & Collectors
- 9 Watches & Jewelry
- 17 Music instruments
- 51 Sport

PHP 12,000
Whirlpool 6 cu ft Chest Freezer /Chiller
Whirlpool 6cu ft
Dual Functional Freezer/Chiller
very good condition
slightly used
rush sale
pm for interested buyer
PHP 495,000
Computer Shop
30 client units
Amd Quadcore
WD 500gb HDD
2gb Ram
1gb videocard palit
19" inch monitor
Motherboard Ultra Durable...
PHP 1,200
Pandora box,clutch,chams bracelet silver leather necklace
all authentic and branndnew
clutch traveling jewelry bag
rectangular box-5000 ( eta May7)
cherry blossom round box-...
PHP 120
Pekin ducklings ( peking duck)
Certified F1 day old ducklings
best breed pekin ducklings
fast growing, higher meat yield...
PHP 15,000
Liver and white shihtzu
DOB July 13, 2016
With papers on process
3x deworm
2x 5n1 vaccine
Papi multivitamins and troy nutrigel
PHP 1,700
Ab roller w/ mat
ab roller w/ mat, crunch time calorie counter tx me for faster transaction la union area only
PHP 1,900
LG Pocket Photo Printer
Semi brandnew
Best for Android and IOS
Complete Package
Free LG zink paper
search na lang sa net other specs
PHP 3,500
Fossil Women's Jacqueline RoseGold Stainless Steel Band Watch ES3804
Fossil Women's Jacqueline RoseGold Stainless Steel Band Watch ES3804
I bought this in the US for almost 7000 but...
PHP 3,400
Oppo Neo 5 latest edition white
lady owned
Slighyly used like brand new
Dual sim nano & micro
4.5 inches display
16M colors
Android OS kitkat...
PHP 950
Abercrombie and Fitch hooded Jacket for women not NIKE COACH MK ADIDAS
Slightly USED
Army Green
For only Php950.00
Please see pictures on details
Guaranteed NO FLAWS
Plus Php150...
PHP 900
USB Voice Recorder 4gb
Not used voice recorder
Tested and working
Can also be used as USB Flash Drive
Complete packaging and receipt...
PHP 900
USB Voice Recorder 4gb
Not used voice recorder
Tested and working
Can also be used as USB Flash Drive
Complete packaging and receipt...
PHP 950
Abercrombie and Fitch hooded Jacket for women not NIKE COACH MK ADIDAS
Slightly USED
Army Green
For only Php950.00
Please see pictures on details
Guaranteed NO FLAWS
Plus Php150...
PHP 4,000
Ulikba chicken
ulikba hen ready to lay and ulikba rooster
also available ulikba pullets and cockerels
rooster/ P5000...
PHP 1,700
Ab roller w/ mat
ab roller w/ mat, crunch time calorie counter tx me for faster transaction la union area only
PHP 120
Pekin ducklings ( peking duck)
Certified F1 day old ducklings
best breed pekin ducklings
fast growing, higher meat yield...
PHP 1,700
Ab roller w/ mat
ab roller w/ mat, crunch time calorie counter tx me for faster transaction la union area only

PHP 50,000
Sniper classic
Racing boy swing arm
Racing boy hand grip
Racing boy lever
Racing boy rear set
Racing boy stabilizer
Racing boy oil...

PHP 430
Portable USB Rechargeable Mini Fan
SF- 120 pesos
Rechargeable Mini Fan w/ Foldable handle and Clip
Very strong wind
Stepless speed regulating

PHP 8,449
Michael Kors Chrono Watch
Brandnew and authentic Michael Kors chrono watch
Bought in USA
Shipping fee : 150 pesos
Sale! Sale! Sale!

PHP 50,000
Sniper classic
Racing boy swing arm
Racing boy hand grip
Racing boy lever
Racing boy rear set
Racing boy stabilizer
Racing boy oil...

PHP 12,500
Lemon Beagle
Very loving and playful
Near heat
No papers
Price is negotiable for sure buyers

PHP 285,000
Mitsubishi L300 FB 2002model
Good engine
Super tipid sa krudo
Fresh in and out
Dual aircon
Makapal mga gulong
Lata body
Good for long...

PHP 4,000
Ulikba chicken
ulikba hen ready to lay and ulikba rooster
also available ulikba pullets and cockerels
rooster/ P5000...

PHP 1,500
Fossil Mens Chrono Watch
Rush sale
Used but not abused.
Shipping only
Shipping fee by buyer
With tin can
Battery changed...

PHP 900
USB Voice Recorder 4gb
Not used voice recorder
Tested and working
Can also be used as USB Flash Drive
Complete packaging and receipt...

PHP 2,000
Philippine insurrection coin
World war I.. Philippine insurrection medal.. 1899..antique.. with number at side.. a piece of history for 2000 pesos...

PHP 900
USB Voice Recorder 4gb
Not used voice recorder
Tested and working
Can also be used as USB Flash Drive
Complete packaging and receipt...

PHP 220,000
Amplifier sound system 4 sale
Limiter, Twiter 6pcs
Equalizer 15'instrumental 8pcs w/box
Crossover 18'subwoofer 6pcs w/box
Ampli 5pcs 4pcs parled...

PHP 1,500
1TB Western Digital Portable Hard Disk (Slightly Used)
High-capacity in a sleek design
Plug and Play
High end layered Anti shock (D2S)
5400RPM of speed
5.1GBPS data rate...

PHP 220,000
Amplifier sound system 4 sale
Limiter, Twiter 6pcs
Equalizer 15'instrumental 8pcs w/box
Crossover 18'subwoofer 6pcs w/box
Ampli 5pcs 4pcs parled...

PHP 430
Portable USB Rechargeable Mini Fan
SF- 120 pesos
Rechargeable Mini Fan w/ Foldable handle and Clip
Very strong wind
Stepless speed regulating

PHP 2,300
2TB Seagate Portable Hard Drive(Slightly Used)
Plug and Play
Share files between Windows and Mac computers
Protect your data with easy flexible backups
Backup your...

PHP 220,000
Amplifier sound system 4 sale
Limiter, Twiter 6pcs
Equalizer 15'instrumental 8pcs w/box
Crossover 18'subwoofer 6pcs w/box
Ampli 5pcs 4pcs parled...

PHP 129,000
Honda City Type Z 2000 model
Honda City 2000 model Type Z , efi kaya matipid , hyper 16 valve kaya malakas ,manual transmission, registered til...

PHP 3,000
Bowrom Lambskin rug
From Christchurch New Zealand.. Bowron gold labal authentic lambskin rug.. very smooth and comfy.. world class...